Dem Reviews:
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

As a fan of Edgar Wright, I knew going into his latest film that there would be, at very least, some decent laughs. As a gamer, I knew there would be some sly references to games of yore both graphically & musically. What I didn’t anticipate was that these two would come together and create one of the most enjoyable films of the year (DOUBLE TEAM! BRYAN ENTERS THE GAME) I would have to agree, this movie was just plain fun. It was so hilarious and fast paced that I believe I laughed into, and thus missed, other jokes. Great cast, great cameos. Everything just worked. It’s hard to imagine anyone other than Edgar Wright directing this film, it’s so perfectly suited to his directing style. (BRYAN HAS DIED OF DYSENTERY.) “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” runs very near 2 hours but never once throughout the awesome fight scenes (as long as you let go of reality and believe that Michael Cera can put up a fight), the engaging storyline and the retro-tastical special effects, did I once look at my watch. I highly recommend this film for everyone as it pretty much has something for everyone. Seriously, get out there and catch this film this weekend and you too will probably have a great time.


  1. I missed another good one, eh? This is what happens when I have to sit through things like The Fourth Kind and The Losers — I stop going to movies.

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