Dem Reviews: Star Trek

new-trekkie-photo1J.J. Abrams loves lens flares. But the good thing is that these aren’t your standard issue, Worst Flier Of The Week-circular Photoshop lens flares. And just like those wanting to avoid old graphic design clichĂ©s, many people think Star Trek and they think “I’m not feeling it!” But just like Abrams blesses us with a stylish new lens flare, he’s also introducing us to a whole new, refined & redesigned Star Trek universe with this film. After watching this film, everything you ever thought of Star Trek will probably be erased. And for me that isn’t a bad thing whatsoever.I never actively watched the original TV series (I admit I was a pretty devout fan of The Next Generation) so I can’t speak for the die hard’s but with the limited knowledge in my possession, they did an excellent job keeping those little pop culture references in there while at the same time bringing the Star Trek universe into a more modern time. As always, not everyone is going to be satisfied but the film was extremely enjoyable and one of the better sci-fi films I’ve seen in a long time. People have referred to this version of the film as a Star Wars-ified, bastard version of the original series’ mentality but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. The old is old, the new is new and as far as I’m concerned, it’s better and if anything t’ll open the old stuff to be revisited by fans of yesteryear and create new ones in the process.

The film is so well balanced that there is no way I can really break it down to positives and negatives but if there was one area that I think it could of used a little bump up was in the scenes of seeing the USS Enterprise do what it does best: drop bombs on motherfuckers. I’m an action junkie and although it did have a few awesome moments of blasting foos, I was kind of left wanting more but I guess that’s what it’s all about, right? The sound, the costumes, the CGI, the casting—it all come together beautifully to create a new high bar in the genre.


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